The Vegetation
In the plains, the vegetation is much modified, for the obtaining of lands of culture as for the current predominance of the constructed spaces. The vegetation is based especially by bushes of rosemary, heathers and steppes, covered of pines, specially the Aleppo pine.
In the mountain
In the hillsides of the saws, which limit the north and the south, the most extensive forests are and with the vegetation most near the natural condition.
In the southern part, in Collserola's saw, there are many pine groves in the low part, but even it does very little they were dominating the cultures. As it increases the altitude there are more groves of evergreen oaks, habitually there are pines. In the most shaded places (where there is more darkness) and with deep soils they find groves of evergreen oaks with oaks.
The vegetation of the north saws is very different due to the roquedal. In Collserola the rock that prevails is of type silicon (granite, slate), on the other hand in The Sant Llorenç and l'Obac predominates over the limestone. In addition, the hardness of the conglomerates to determined the formation of very sloping hillsides.
The most widespread vegetation and that more abounds is the grove of evergreen oaks. With dogwood in the interior hillsides, the mountainous grove of evergreen oaks the highest. Until the year 1950 there was important the utilization of the trunks of oak for the obtaining charcoal.
On rock silícea, at the foot of the saws, there abound the bushes of rockroses and heathers; it will be likewise there are pine groves of Aleppo pine and stone pine. On limy rock there are bushes (bushes formed by shrubs and new shoots of tree) of rosemary and heather, with pine groves of Aleppo pine.
In the top hillsides, they are the own lands of the mountainous grove of evergreen oaks and of the grove of evergreen oaks with box, there are bushes where it predominates over the white steppe with high bushes of juniper and box. There are also pine groves of black pine.
In the most shaded slopes the natural vegetation was constituted by oak woods of oak pubescent, often it was mixed by white oak.
In the valleys
To the very narrow and abrupt canals or valleys, one finds exceptional vegetation (slightly common). They are very shaded environments, with corners where the solar beams never come directly, always they are the shade. The shortage of light and the permanent high atmospheric moisture they impede normal development of the groves of evergreen oaks and oak woods. The Avellanosa occupies elongated striping following the direction of the canals.
The stream of Rubi
The waters that go down the southern slope of the Mountain chain Prelitoral and that are gathered in the rest of the Valles Occidental are going to stop the rivers Llobregat and Besós. The dividing line between the basins of these two rivers happens for the comb of Galliners's Saw, between Ruby and Sant. Quirze. It is the oriental limit of the basin of He her was laughing at the Sands or of Ruby that crosses the term of north on south. East joins totally inside this basin, in such a way that all the torrents rubinenses drain off (they) (end) in this one he was laughing.
This one was laughing the Coll de Estenalles is born, at the foot of the Montcau, to 860 meters of height, goes towards the south gathering the waters of Matadepera, Terrassa and Ruby. When he finds the Collserola's first spurs one sees obliged to turn towards the southwest, until at a height of The Papiol it joins with the Llobregat.
It does a distance of 31 km and the surface of his basin is of 122 km2.
A characteristic of the torrents rubinenses that are direct or indirect tributaries of the Llobregat, is that they are strongly fitted respect of the level of the lands that surround them (to turn completely), with differences between 10 and 40 m, this comes caused by the low level of the river in this zone.
His earring is marked enough, for example, the Khan's torrent Xercavins lowers approximately 160 meters in only 5, 5 km. This provokes erosion and when there are a few intense rainfalls, there take place rapid avenues that are reproduced also in the creek, causing very strong and sudden floods.
The wildlife of the Vallès Occidental is the least visible part of the set biogeography. The strong action atrophic (relative or belonging to the man his action) in the urbanized and industrial zones is the reason that the animal life is largely imperceptible. The not cattle and not domestic species, also they are present in the landscape: between the fish, the reptiles, the amphibians, the birds and the mammals have described 200 species of animals.
Mammals and other animals of land
The Mediterranean forests of oaks and of pines they can take mammals as the common hedgehog, the badger, the genet, the Mediterranean mouse and the common rate.
The fields are the habitat of the red mole.
The groves of evergreen oaks and the dense pine groves of It Likes Obac live the wild boar, which is the biggest mammal that it is possible to find in the region.
The sources, the rafts and other systems of water accumulation constitute the habitat of the mottled newt and of diverse types of toads and frogs.
In rocky areas (rocks) and the urban environment is frequently the common lizard.
In the forests, the culture and the barren ones the green serpent is viper.
At the edges of streams and cool places are located lesser and water snakes.
There are very abundant the magpie, the house sparrow, the nightingale, the black vencejo, the swallow, the blackbird, the pump handle and the goldfinch.
Others, on the other hand, are in regression, as the rampinyaires kestrels that one finds on the verge of extinction for difficulty of nest building, the pecular falcon and the duke almost do not reproduce.
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